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Your Path to Nursing in Ohio!

LPN or RN-Deciding your career path.

你探索过成为注册护士或注册护士的途径吗? 许多人听到“护士”这个词,就会对护士的工作有一个大致的认识, 但在这一领域工作的人知道,事情远不止这些. 无论你的目标是成为一名执业护士(LPN)还是注册护士(RN), this is for you. Discover your path to nursing today.

如你所知,要成为一名护士,你有几个入门选择. Without a doubt, 权衡利弊对你和你的生活做出最好的决定至关重要. For instance, 你可以通过完成一年的培训计划成为一名执业护士. On the other hand, 学习护理副学士学位(ADN)或护理学学士学位(BSN)可以让你走上注册护士(RN)职业生涯的道路。. What are the pros and cons of each option? Let’s break it down

Pathways to Becoming an LPN or RN

Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN)

要成为一名LPN,你必须获得文凭并通过NCLEX-PN,这是一项国家执照考试. 私家护士在医生或注册护士(RNs)的监督下工作,为病人提供日常护理.

成为一名LPN最大的优势是你可以很快进入这个领域. 如果你想尽快开始你的职业生涯,并想节省额外的教育费用,这条路可能是理想的. LPNs are responsible for providing routine care associated with nursing; however, the position offers limited upward mobility. If you want to grow your career, increase your earnings, take on more responsibility, or specialize, becoming an LPN might not be the best direction.

Registered Nursing (RN)

There are two routes to becoming an RN. 学生可以通过两年的学校教育并通过NCLEX-RN. 或者,学生可以通过四年的教育获得BSN,并通过NCLEX-RN. 这两个学位都会让你成为一名注册护士.

注册护士的典型职责包括给药, performing diagnostic tests, providing direct patient care, and maintaining medical records. adn通常仅限于专注于这些职责的初级职位. BSN允许职业发展、专业化、更高的薪水和更多的责任. 然而,有了ADN,你仍然可以成为注册护士,并且可以更快地开始赚取注册护士的薪水.


How to Decide, LPN or RN? 持牌实用护理或注册护理?

When deciding between becoming an LPN or an RN, consider your career goals, time commitment, and educational investment. 如果你需要快速进入劳动力市场,降低前期教育成本, becoming an LPN might be the best option. lpn可以在相对较短的时间内开始在医疗保健机构工作,并开始获得实践经验. However, 如果你正在寻找更广阔的职业机会, higher earning potential, and the ability to take on more responsibilities, 通过ADN或BSN计划追求注册护士是更好的选择. RNs enjoy more significant career growth, opportunities for specialization, 以及医疗保健行业的领导角色. Assess your personal circumstances, career ambitions, 你可以把时间花在教育上,为你的护理事业做出最好的决定.


If you are considering a career in nursing, 了解各种可用的选项是至关重要的. To begin with, 护理学院提供一系列的课程,以适应不同的职业目标和时间要求. For instance, 那些希望快速进入医疗保健领域的人会发现LPN培训是一个很好的选择. Specifically, LPN课程提供了在相对较短的时间内开始作为一名执业护士工作所需的基本技能和知识. Furthermore, nursing school programs, including LPN programs, are designed to be comprehensive, 确保毕业生为护理专业的需求做好充分的准备. Consequently, by selecting the right program, 你可以自信地走上一条充实的职业道路.

When choosing where to train to become a nurse, 重要的是要研究各种护理学院,找到最适合你需要的课程. LPN培训项目通常包括课堂教学和实践临床经验, 允许学生将他们所学的知识应用到现实世界中. 这些LPN课程涵盖了病人护理、药理学和医学术语等基本主题. 通过完成一个著名的护理学校课程, you can embark on a rewarding career as an LPN, 具备了为病人的生活带来有意义改变的技能和知识.

在选择LPN和RN时,最重要的考虑因素是时间. 你有时间参加一个更长的课程来换取学位吗, a higher salary, and more responsibility? If so, the RN path is the way to go. 如果你正在寻找一个直接录取的认证护理学校, no waitlist, and small classes, consider Beckfield College.

了解更多关于贝克菲尔德护理项目的信息 Beckfield Registered Nursing or Beckfield Practical Nursing


You Can Do More!

因此,注册护士和执业护士是入门级的护理路径,但你可以走得更远. 想了解更多关于超越注册护士的护理事业发展的知识吗? 请继续关注下一篇博客,讨论注册护士以外的职业. 

Are you ready to enroll in nursing school? Do you have more questions? Visit us at to reach out with questions, apply, or refer a friend


References #: ~:文本= % 20可以% 20成为% 20 % 20许可,year%20bachelor’s%20degree%20(BSN). 


Nursing careers! LPN vs RN!